Review of Yves Rocher Hair Rinsing Vinegar, Low Shampoo Delicate Cleansing and Exceptional Hair Serum


Have you been on an escalator at Ngee Ann City Singapore and when you reach Basement 2, a cosy corner store named YVES ROCHER caught your attention? Well it did for me, because I am a fan of Yves Saint Laurent. Haha! Anyway, the two has no connections except for their first names and of course their country of origin. :)

Yves Rocher is a French beauty care brand that was founded for 50 years. The brand was only introduced in Singapore three years ago. Yves Rocher focuses mainly on botanical research and uses natural plant ingredients in their products.

I was sent a set of hair products for review purposes. After two weeks' trial, I am pleased to share some of my thoughts about these products.

Low Shampoo Delicate Cleansing Cream

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Yes you heard right. This is a shampoo in cleansing cream form, no foam. Very much like your makeup remover kind of texture.

Texture feels like a hair conditioner but it is definitely an effective yet gentle shampoo. I use it on wet hair as per usual shampooing method. My hair is long so I used two huge dollops, much larger than illustrated in the above pics.

I believe this cleansing cream is an excellent fit for sensitive scalps and for normal combination scalps like mine, it works perfect as well.

Results: Well-cleansed hair, non-drying, silky to touch and feels extremely light.



Rinsing Vinegar

This is Yves Rocher's star product. It is a rinsing solution that helps enhances hair’s natural shine. Innovative much?

And... Don't let the word "vinegar" turn you off (as it does for me all the time)!  The scent is so  delectable and divine - it resembles a raspberry tart tasting experience. No hint of vinegar, unless you have a keen sense of smell equivalent of superpower levels.

Use before your final rinse after shampooing & conditioning. For me, I skip conditioning when I use this. I use twice a week.

Texture is watery, so it is a bit hard to capture on photos since it basically seeps through my finger like water. No sticky or oily feel.

The only complaint I have is the amount of product in this 150ml bottle. For long hair like mine, this gets eaten up fast and probably wouldn't last more than 8 washes.

Results: Hair residue from my hair styling products is completely dissolved, leaving my hair clean & shiny. The shine is not as obvious as when you apply a coat of hair oil; it is more of a "healthy-shine-from-within" type that you know is more authentic and holds more longevity.


Exceptional Serum

One of the newer hair products by Yves Rocher. Launched in Singapore in December 2015, this hair serum is marketed as a treatment for beautified and fortified hair meaning to strengthen hair. Enriched with 100% Botanical Micro Oils and repairing Hibiscus peptides, the Exceptional Serum protects your hair from breaking and makes hair fibers more resistant. Its milky and light texture instantly melts on your hair leaving it soft and shiny.

Texture is almost similar to cleansing milk, only slightly denser. It feels lighter than usual hair creams but richer than some hair serums.

Results: My hair seems tamer, less frizzy as compared to without use. However, I couldn't speak for its strengthening power as my hair ends were damaged to an un-salvageable point so it is not realistic to depend solely on this treatment serum to repair my hair. Overall, I do like the serum as it is lightweight, non-oily, smells great and doesn't cause any hair fall. Good for daily use!


Natural botanical ingredients, cruelty-free, lovely scents - I don't know what's not to like about Yves Rocher. These three hair products suits ALL hair types and I recommend everyone to try! My hair condition improved after the use of all three together as a set, to the point outsiders noticed it despite me still hung up over my damaged bleached hair ends. :)

They also have other skincare & bodycare product so do check them out!

For more brand/product information, please visit

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