For Beloved One Melasleeping Brightening Daily Defence Cream - Review, Swatches & MOTD


Remember the BB Cream hype when it was first introduced some years ago? Next comes CC cream...and now, we've got DD cream. Yes you heard right. DD Cream = Daily Defence Cream.

I first got acquainted with For Beloved One Melasleeping Brightening Daily Defence Cream at a blogger friend's private party

Founded by a Taiwanese beauty editor in 2003, For Beloved One is a brand known for being the pioneer of the world's first bio-cellulose facial mask. With many awards & accolades under its belt, FBO spiked in popularity in Singapore since last year 2015.

After trying For Beloved One Melasleeping Brightening DD Cream for two months, I decide to review it here.

How the full packaging looks like

For Beloved One Melasleeping Brightening DD Cream is a multi-functional skincare cum makeup product that acts as:
  1. Brightening Day Cream/Moisturiser
  2. Sunscreen of SPF30 or 45,
  3. Primer with colour correcting properties - Peach creates natural & well-balanced skin tone, rose produces a healthy, rosy-cheeked look, and lavender has a brightening effect to improve dull & blemish skin primer; 
  4. Can be used as a replacement for foundation on the days you want light makeup

Full Ingredient List:


As evidenced in the above swatch photo, the colour-correcting function is subtle but it's visible and effective. I do not have any particular dullness or redness on my face at the point of testing, so I found Peach most suitable for daily use, especially wearing it alone without any other base makeup.


1 tube = so many functions. 
Therefore, this is one product that lazy/busy girls must not miss! 

Being part of the beauty blogging community is nothing short of wonderful. However that comes with the downside of too many different product trials, leading to unstable skin condition at times. When my skin acts up, the first thing I want to avoid is thick base makeup, especially those with high sunscreen content of more than SPF40. (I could have avoided makeup altogether, but I won't, because which lady doesn't want to look good when she heads out?) 

So this product is a god-send for situations like that - when I am lazy, short of time, or when my skin needs a breather (yet must still look good).

Besides the aesthetic effect it produces, this DD Cream as a skincare is amazing too! After hours of putting it on, upon makeup removal, my skin immediately looks brighter and smoother. No clogs or bumps that some sunscreens/BB creams can cause.


Peach has the light to medium coverage. It can be used alone.
Lavender and Pink has very light coverage. Concealer and loose powder may be needed if your skin is not perfect.

MY PERSONAL TIPS: HOW TO CHOOSE the right tone for you?

  • If you want fairer-than-your-normal-skin -> LAVENDER as a base and layer with foundation.
  • If you want healthy, natural skin -> PEACH all over the face alone; or as a base if you need more coverage.
  • If you have sallow skin and wants to add some colour to it -> use ROSE as a base, or on your cheeks only to achieve natural rosy look.
  • If you have redness on your skin ->LAVENDER or PEACH on said areas.

If you have used this, share with me which one is your favourite shade!

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